Rescue me season 1 episode 1 megashare
Rescue me season 1 episode 1 megashare

rescue me season 1 episode 1 megashare

Celebration, surf, and saving lives it's a very Bondi Christmas.ġ8 year-old trainee Max is now in his third year, of what was expected to be, a 1-2 year traineeship. Head lifeguard Hoppo heads in to stormy seas to recover a drunken Italian barely staying afloat. Just when lifeguards are ready to pack up and go home to their own families, a group of drunken backpackers are spotted in a rip. 26-year-old Roy is found in a highly intoxicated state by lifeguards, who must defer to police when Roy is unresponsive to their attention. A dance party in Bondi Pavilion proves popular in the afternoon, but some revellers consume a little too much Christmas spirit. This year's Christmas presents are getting a workout in the skate park, but the fun hits a snag when 17-year-old Jack dislocates his shoulder. No one knows how long he was underwater, and lifeguards work desperately while the man's girlfriend watches on. In the water, a Chinese student is dragged in barely conscious, having been found floating on the bottom. But despite the youngster's best efforts, Box is intent on pranking him with a crafty trick. Young trainee Maxy also lends a hand by cooking a turkey for his fellow lifeguards. It's Christmas day on Bondi and road weary travellers, local families, and Christmas orphans come to see Santa make an appearance. Bondi is back in all it’s glory, madness, and brilliance!

rescue me season 1 episode 1 megashare

But the boys in blue wouldn’t want it any other way.

rescue me season 1 episode 1 megashare

If the early stages of summer are anything to go by, lifeguards Whippet, Deano, Hoppo and Box are all in for a busy season. When a man in a three-piece wedding suit (complete with tails), is found roaming the sand drinking, smoking, and harassing beachgoers he too finds himself red carded from Bondi until he is sobered up. The silly season brings all and sundry to Bondi. Police are called to escort them off the beach. With lifeguards already overstretched, two men make matters worse by pretending to drowning in front of Deano while he is doing a rescue. The dangers of the surf are also experienced by a beginner surfer from England who is washed up the rocks, breaking his ankle in two places. Immediately lifeguards begin resuscitating her. She is pulled from the water unconscious, and not breathing. 18 year old Stephanie was swimming with friends when she hit her head on a sandbank. With so many kids and so few lifeguards it isn’t long before tragedy strikes. The Bondi summer hits overdrive when hordes of reckless teenagers pour onto the beach and into the surf. For lifeguards it’s the busiest time of the year, as they gear up for holiday crowds, heat waves, and drunken revellers. As summer starts to heat up most Australians are winding down at work and getting ready to break for the year.

Rescue me season 1 episode 1 megashare